Online Indonesian Language Lessons In Bali – Bali is a world-famous tourist destination. Bali not only offers natural and cultural beauty, but also a center of Indonesian language learning for foreign speakers. With the advancement of technology, learning Indonesian with online learning is getting easier. One of them is interesting program in the form of Indonesian languange lesson.

The learning materials in this program cover various aspects of language, including daily conversation, grammar, and frequently used vocabulary. This learning program is designed to provide a better understanding of the context of language use in everyday life in Indonesia.

For those of you who want to master Indonesian practically and in depth, online Indonesian language lessons in Bali is the right choice.

About Us

Bahasa Bule is a provider of Indonesian, English and Balinese language courses with daily conversation materials. In addition, we also teach vocabulary or grammar, and focus on helping you use the language for everyday communication.

We have highly qualified teachers who have been certified in teaching Indonesian to non-native speakers for more than two years, and are experienced in teaching Indonesian. English. We can ensure you can speak Indonesian in no time.

Online Indonesian Language Lessons In Bali

With our range Indonesian language class, we can help you use Indonesian vocabulary properly. The following are our language class offerings, among others:

  • Private Class

We provide regular and intensive packages that can be accessed online and face-to-face. By prioritizing your needs through an in-depth evaluation, we are committed to providing a personalized learning experience. Then, we design the program so that you can master Indonesian with ease.

  • Group Class

In addition, you can also join in to learn a new language with students who share the same interests. However, in order for the group class program to run well, the maximum number of participants is 5 people in each group. 

  • Video Lesson

Furthermore, we also offer comprehensive video learning language packages. This allows you to learn languages on a flexible schedule. We also provide necessities such as interactive mobile applications.

Price list

We have various language class price offers that can be tailored to your needs, including:



  • Junior Teacher: IDR 3.200.000
  • Senior Teacher: IDR 4.800.000
  • Founder: IDR 8.000.000
Private Intensive Class
  • Junior & Senior Teacher: IDR 3.520.000

16 Meetings, include materials and access to premium learning app

GROUP CLASS (IDR 1.700.000)

Reguler (2x a week), 16 meetings, include materials and access to premium learning app


Regular (2x a week), 16 meetings, include materials and access to premium learning app


Regular (2x a week), 16 meetings, Maximum 15 people

REAL ESTATE (IDR 8.000.000)

Regular (2x a week), 16 meetings, include materials and access to premium learning app

Languages ​​For Kids (IDR 3,200,000)

Regular (2x a week), 16 meetings, include materials and access to premium learning app


  • Crash Course, equivalent to trial class is available.
  • Extra Person: IDR 800.000

Our Language Class Service

In addition to offering Online Indonesian Language Tutoring in Bali, we also offer several language classes that you can choose according to your wants and needs, including:

  • English Class

We design English class programs to improve your spoken English skills. In addition, we provide time flexibility for every individual and company. 

  • Balinese Class

With Balinese language learning classes, you can easily use Balinese daily. We can make sure you can learn well and smoothly.

  • Study Leave Program / Education Certificate

We offer a 10-day Indonesian language learning program to experience the language, culture and warmth of Indonesia. 

  • Webinars

In addition, the webinars are specially designed to provide native speakers with practical ways and theoretical insights to improve their Indonesian language skills. We have a variety of sessions that will certainly make it easier for you to learn Indonesian.

Come Learn Languages With Us!

With our wide range of classes, Online Indonesian Language Lessons In Bali is the perfect solution for those who want to master Indonesian more easily and effectively. We believe that an interactive and in-depth learning process can open up new opportunities in cross-cultural communication.

Feel free to contact us via WhatsApp 081246508645 for more information regarding the program and class schedule. Visit our website to know our other best services.

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